# (decoded with TMPL 128) Number of items: (14 entries) 0: name: 'Btu (I.T.)/Hour' aCoef: '2.9300711E-01' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 1: name: 'Btu (thermochemical)/hour' aCoef: '2.928751E-01' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 2: name: 'Cal (thermochemical)/minute' aCoef: '6.973333E-02' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 3: name: 'Cal (thermochemical)/second' aCoef: '4.184' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 4: name: 'Erg/second' aCoef: '1.0E-07' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 5: name: 'Foot-lbf/hour' aCoef: '3.766161E-04' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 6: name: 'Foot-lbf/second' aCoef: '1.355818E+00' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 7: name: 'Horsepower (550 ft-lbf/s)' aCoef: '7.45699E+02' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 8: name: 'Horsepower (metric)' aCoef: '7.3549900E+02' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 9: name: 'Kilocalorie/second' aCoef: '4.184E+03' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 10: name: 'Kilowatt' aCoef: '1.000E+03' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 11: name: 'Megawatt' aCoef: '1.000E+06' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 12: name: 'Ton (refrigeration)' aCoef: '3.5168E03' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1' 13: name: 'Watt' aCoef: '1.000E+00' bCoef: '0.0' tType: '1'